Sveučilište u Splitu podržava UN-ove ciljeve održivog razvoja

Undergraduate program

The Undergraduate University Study in Hospitality and Gastronomy was developed in response to contemporary trends in higher education and the growing demand for skilled professionals increasingly sought after in modern tourism. The program is conducted in Makarska and lasts for three academic years (six semesters). Upon completion of the undergraduate university study in Hospitality and Gastronomy, students earn 180 ECTS credits and the academic title of Bachelor of Economics (baccalaureus/baccalaurea).

The program is modeled after the most prestigious hospitality and gastronomy studies worldwide, with an emphasis on acquiring practical knowledge and skills. The curriculum consists of a mandatory part, i.e., compulsory courses, and a diverse elective part, i.e., optional courses. These elective courses allow students to tailor their studies according to their professional preferences and individual goals they wish to achieve in the field of hospitality and gastronomy.
Professional practice is included in each year of study, consisting of a shorter introductory part and a longer practical part, i.e., work experience. The practical part takes place in renowned hotel chains, providing students the opportunity to study and learn from the best professionals in a high-potential and high-demand tourism environment.

Upon completing the undergraduate university study, students can either continue their education or seek employment. Further education is possible through the Graduate University Study in Hospitality and Gastronomy in Makarska or similar programs at the University of Split or other domestic or international higher education institutions. In terms of employment, it is important to note that, given the nature and comprehensiveness of the study program, graduates can apply for numerous positions requiring a completed undergraduate degree in hospitality and gastronomy.
  • Equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to work effectively in the hospitality and gastronomy industries.
  • Provide students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for independent and successful work in the industry.
  • Develop specific expertise in hospitality and gastronomy, with an emphasis on solving real-world problems and situations encountered in practice.
  • Hotel Management and Operations
  • Tourism Agencies and Organizations
  • Specialized Tourism Services
  • Tourism Destination Management
  • Marketing and Analytical Roles
  • Broader Economic Sector
  • The study program provides solid foundations for further education at the graduate level or similar programs.