Sveučilište u Splitu podržava UN-ove ciljeve održivog razvoja

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Hospitality and Gastronomy program at the University of Split is to enrich the study offerings and respond to the growing needs of the Croatian tourism sector for highly educated professionals capable of competing successfully in the international market. The program is designed to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, aligning with global standards in the field of hospitality and gastronomy. Through intensive professional practice in a real working environment and an emphasis on small study groups, the program encourages an individualized approach and student specialization, providing them with the competencies to manage complex tasks in tourism.

The vision of the program is to become a leader in hospitality and gastronomy education in the region, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities in the dynamic tourism sector. Emphasis is placed on multicultural competence, allowing students to learn up to three foreign languages to maximize their competitiveness in the global market. The program aims to establish strong connections with industry partners, ensuring the relevance of its curricula and providing students with opportunities for employment and career advancement upon graduation.