Sveučilište u Splitu podržava UN-ove ciljeve održivog razvoja

Undergraduate admissions

For admission to the undergraduate program in Hospitality and Gastronomy, applicants must have completed a four-year high school education and passed the state graduation exam.

To enroll in the undergraduate program in Hospitality and Gastronomy as part of the state graduation exam, the following subjects must be passed:
  • Croatian language
  • Mathematics (Level B)
  • Foreign language (Level A)
For applicants who are citizens of EU member states and who have passed the state graduation exam in their native (foreign) language, their achievement in the native (foreign) language will be scored instead of the Croatian language subject. If English was the language of secondary education (native language) for the applicant, the first foreign language passed in the state graduation exam will be evaluated instead of the English language subject.

Applicants who have won one of the first three places in national competitions in the Republic of Croatia in Croatian language, Mathematics, English language, Biology, or Chemistry are eligible for direct enrollment.
Enrollment of candidates who have the right to enroll within the enrollment quota will be conducted based on the ranking list of the Central Application Office. A candidate who has the right to enroll but does not enroll within the specified enrollment period forfeits this right.
In addition to the enrollment documentation listed in the general section of the Call for Applications, candidates are required to submit the following documentation during enrollment:
  • Original birth certificate or electronic record from state registries issued via the e-Citizen service,
  • Two photographs sized 35mm x 45mm,
  • Copy of a valid ID card (no need for certification) along with presentation of the original. If the candidate does not have a valid ID card, they must provide proof of residency,
  • Payment receipt confirming the enrollment fee for regular students (all candidates),
  • Proof of tuition fee payment (candidates who have previously studied in another undergraduate program and candidates with citizenship outside the EU).
The registration for the state graduation exam and application for enrollment in the undergraduate program in Hospitality and Gastronomy at the University of Split is done through the National Information System for Applications to Higher Education Institutions (NISpVU), which can be accessed on the website